Business Management Services

Consider us your virtual CFO—without the big salary.

Having Rulien and Associates on your side is like having your own experienced CFO at a fraction of the expense. Our advisory services will bring the right information into focus for you in a timely way, empowering you to make smarter, more confident business decisions for the life and health of your enterprise. It’s the clarity and knowledge you need to lead. Our services include streamlined, executive-level reporting and regular face-to-face meetings to review mission-critical information.

Here are the services our team can provide your business:

  • Budgeting
  • Revenue analysis
  • Expense analysis
  • Payroll analysis
  • COGS (Cost of Goods) analysis
  • Cash flow analysis
  • Industry KPI (Key Performance Indicator) analysis
  • Tax planning and projections

The Rulien and Associates team means business.

Talk to us about how we can boost your capabilities as an entrepreneur and help you run a better business.